Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Black N Blue Bowl: Interview with Craig Ahead of Sick of It All

These are excerpts from a chat backstage at the Black N Blue Bowl with Sick Of It All bassist Craig "Ahead" Setari. SOIA did not play the Bowl, but below you can check out a review of the NYC show they played in February.

--On SOIA's latest album, Death To Tyrants:

CS: It's been out over a year. People really like it, we got a good reaction. People don't really buy records the way they used to, the way downloading is and all that, but people seem to like it. They like the aggression of it.

--On the effects of downloading:

CS: We were never a CD selling band. We were always a band that made our money off touring, so it hasn't really affected us. All the bands that relied on other people to carry their weight fell by the wayside, but we always rode our own boat. We never relied on anything corporate to carry us. We carried ourselves through the people, so we're one of the lucky ones that's been able to pull through all that stuff.

--On headlining the Superbowl in 05:

CS: That was a good, high energy night. I had my B-12, my Wheaties that morning, it felt good. I like playing for all my friends. Freddy and Joe put on this show and I think it's good that the people that are involved in this scene are the ones setting this up, as opposed to an outside source just looking to capitalize on it. So I 110% support the Superbowl.

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